
Saturday, January 09, 2016

Another Life: Galway’s hippy ideas are just what the environment needs

I had the time of my life in Galway during 2011-2012- made lasting friendships, ran by the coast many times, enjoyed the Galway Culture.

Another Life: Galway’s hippy ideas are just what the environment needs: "Even as traffic clogs its roundabouts, and the old limestone heartland darkens again with rain, Galway’s relationship with landscape and ocean is rare and right, its nautical mood an uplifting span from the worst of the modern world.
It also, of course, has a vibrant cultural pulse, a university tuned to the wild nature on its doorstep, and an appetite for youthful ideas. An impressive range of these is gathered in the 100 pages of A Vision for Galway 2030 ( Launched by the mayor before Christmas and now smartly packaged and linked online, it is the work of Transition Galway, an environmental group with a gift for engaging the public in “solutions” for a low-carbon urban future."

'via Blog this'

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