
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Obama Out-"Fox"-ed

Ms. Shirley Sherrod courageously tells a true story that reveals her thoughts and her actions. Result: She gets fired. Some things that should happen:
1. Mr. Andrew Breitbart should be charged with intentional malicious slander of Ms. Sherrod.
2. The producers and readers of all "news" shows on television should apologize to the public for dereliction of their duties and not doing what they are paid to do- to "research" and report. Further, they, along with Mr. Andrew Breitbart, should contribute a week (or a month or a year) of their compensation to Ms. Sherrod for defaming her character.
3. N.A.A.C.P. should fire its head, Benjamin T. Jealous, for contributing to the defamation of Ms. Sherrod.
4. Everyone in the administration who was involved in the decision to fire Ms. Sherrod should be docked a month's salary (a period longer than the time in #2) for failing to gather the facts before making a decision, when time was not critical.

None of these will happen- hence we should be prepared for many more cases like these in the future.

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