There is no dearth of folks complaining about the education system and teachers. But the folks who do the complaining should hold themselves accountable. Let us not "misunderestimate" the writing skills of our mama grizzlies and elected officials. Case in point:
Sarah Palin tweeted, and typed "refudiate" - a collection of letters that does not exist in the dictionary. After the mistake had been identified, she apparently deleted the tweet and posted another, but she did not even apologize for her error. Instead, she glorified it by tweeting that""Refudiate," "misunderestimate," "wee-wee'd up." English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!"
Got to Celebrate it? So, in the make-believe world of Palin, words and grammar do not matter. English is a "live" language, so anything can be a word, and anyone can coin and use a new word especially since Sarah Palin, the modern day Shakespeare, has courageously taken the initiative and coined new ones. Unfortunately Palin World is becoming the Real World for some folks. Just the other day I was having lunch with a good friend and we were recalling a former colleague who always used 'casual' for 'causal' and 'lead' as the past tense of 'lead.' However, this colleague never claimed that he was 'inventive.'
As my tenth grade math teacher Rasool Sir wrote, quoting Confucious (and perhaps others) "To know that you know what you know and that you do not know what you do not know is true knowledge."
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