
Thursday, April 16, 2009

(Un)Necessary Luxuries

Nokia reported a steep fall in profits for the first quarter, but emphasized that its Smartphones are doing well... From Businessweek: "Nokia says it sold an impressive 2.6 million units in the quarter of its popular 5800 XpressMusic phone, which features a touchscreen and other features similar to the iPhone but costs about half as much. Launched in November, the 5800 and other new feature-rich products helped the company boost its share in smartphones to 38% from 36% the previous quarter, according to market watcher Strategy Analytics. The gain suggests that Nokia can continue to retake market share as it launches more new smartphones, such as the top-of-the-line touchscreen N97 due out in June. "Nokia is very good at moving features from the high end to the midrange and low end," says Mark McKechnie, an analyst at Broadpoint AmTech in Greenwich, Conn."..

Does one need a Blackberry, or an iPhone? Should they take precedence over eating organic healthy foods?

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