
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Phrases to be Phased out

Charles E. Skala, from Boulder, CO, wrote a sparkling letter in the FT, which reads, in part, 'Sir, I wish you would exclude from your editorial staff any economist that uses the phrase “negative growth”. I think the reasons are obvious.......'

The phrase 'negative growth,' even though it is an oxymoron, is used widely, even by reputed authors, papers and magazines. Why one would choose to use this phrase when a perfectly fine word 'declining' fits the bill perfectly is beyond any 'reason'able person's judgement.
I would like to add a few more phrases I have heard CEOs and other managers use, which, in this author's opinion, should be wiped out from the vocabulary.

Net Net. As in 'Net, Net, we are growing.'
Net of it all.
The bottom line is.... and rather than the bottom line being a number, the speaker or writer goes on for a while elaborating on the 'bottom line.'
Using fractions when it is unnecessary- as in 'our growth was one half of one percent.' A perfectly fine 0.5 percent is available for use.

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