
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Tells Walmart To ‘Get Off Welfare’ [Video]

Bernie Sanders Tells Walmart To ‘Get Off Welfare’ [Video]: "“In America today, one family — the Walton family of Walmart — owns more wealth alone than the bottom 40 percent of the American people. And by the way, when we talk about the Walton family, the wealthiest family in America, and when we talk about Walmart, understand that Walmart is the major beneficiary of welfare in America. Isn’t it weird that many of the people who work at Walmart are on Medicaid, which you pay for; they’re on food stamps, which you pay for; they’re on government-subsidized housing which you pay for, because the Walton family refuses to provide the wages and benefits their workers deserve. So I say to the Walton family, the weathiest family in this country, get off of welfare, start paying your workers a living wage.”"

'via Blog this'

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