
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Scientists Discover Why Lake Tahoe Is So Blue - I4U News

Scientists Discover Why Lake Tahoe Is So Blue - I4U News: "A postdoctoral researcher from University of California, Davis, Shohei Watanabe came up with those findings when a Blueness Index had been created by using NASA-JPL research buoy and Lake Tahoe’s color had been quantified for the first time. The results were exactly opposite to what was commonly perceived. Surprisingly no connection was found between clarity and blueness. 

The research showed the blueness of the water does not remain consistent throughout the year. There were times when the lake was clearer, it was less blue and when lake was less clear, it was deep blue. The process is due to the combination of sediments, nutrients and algal production which changes with the season.

Clarity is linked with sediment while blueness is controlled by algal concentration. The less nutrient means less production of algal. Thus, more blue color of water.

“This does not mean that clarity should be dismissed,” said Watanabe. “Rather, it shows that algae concentrations and nutrient input should be managed more closely to truly keep Tahoe blue and clear.”"

'via Blog this'

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