
Sunday, February 15, 2015

App set to help birdwatchers identify species based on song

App set to help birdwatchers identify species based on song: "For the most ardent of birdwatchers, the inability to discern the chirpings of a lesser redpoll from a corn bunting presents a deeply frustrating dilemma.
On the other hand, those of us less well versed in deciphering the multitudes of avian frequencies are content to tell the difference between a duck’s quack and an owl’s hoot.
Naturists with even a passing interest in the world of winged creatures will be intrigued to hear of an app that it is claimed identifies different types of birds singing in an area through the built-in audio equipment of the user’s phone.
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Chirpomatic works along the same principle as music apps like Shazam by isolating individual birdsong and to what species it belongs.
Using a 20-second recording, the free iPhone instalment analyses and provides images of the bird, along with other identifying information."

'via Blog this'

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