
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Good economic news dampened by water issues

Good economic news dampened by water issues: "The Irish Water debacle has left Ministers on the defensive as they struggle to bed down the contentious new regime. For all the complaints of political incompetence, a fresh batch of positive economic news yesterday provides further evidence that economic recovery is taking hold.
The National Treasury Management Agency sold 15-year debt for the first time since 2009; new exchequer returns indicate tax revenues will come in well ahead of target by the end of the year; and the European Commission pinpointed Ireland as virtually the only bright spot on an arid euro zone landscape in a new forecast.
If the Government’s prime difficulty these days is that many people see little evidence of a turnaround in their daily lives, a drop in consumer sentiment last month points to a sense of caution on the street. Even with a modest tax cut to come in January, such data suggests uncertainty over the extent of the water charge still weighs heavily on consumers."

'via Blog this'

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