
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hello there, here’s some advice on how NOT to fire people

Hello there, here’s some advice on how NOT to fire people: "Never use a trinity of abstract nouns. It shows you know what you are saying is inadequate.
“Collectively,” the memo ends, “the clarity, focus and alignment across the company, and the opportunity to deliver the results of that work into the hands of people, will allow us to increase our success in the future. Regards, Stephen.”
It won’t, Stephen. Collectively, a trinity of almost identical, empty mass nouns and the opportunity to deliver something that is not specified is not going to increase anything. Except possibly the dismay, disdain and distrust of the people who work for you.
And just as a bonus, here is rule number eight. Don’t end a memo with “regards”."

'via Blog this'

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