
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Want unregulated, free markets but don't want to pay free market prices????

Is Uber’s Surge-Pricing an Example of High-Tech Gouging? - "In Kalanick’s mind, the variable pricing benefits passengers: They pay more, but they are buying certainty and shorter wait times, and wait times spent in the comfort of their homes, or bars or offices, rather than on the street. But paying a flat rate for a taxi is so deeply, deeply ingrained that it feels as if Uber is breaking the rules by suddenly charging more. After all, for as long as taxis have been around, governments have required them to charge standardized fares both as a consumer protection and as a way of regulating the market. (London issued rules about the number of horse-drawn carriages on its streets and the fares they were able to charge back in the 1600s, during the reign of Charles I.)"

'via Blog this'

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