
Sunday, September 15, 2013

NIght and Day or nightmarish day?

Good people often rise late. Keep the noise down, we’re trying to sleep - Life & Style | Trends, Tips, News & Advice | The Irish Times - Sat, Sep 14, 2013: "The average early riser will, however, invariably cloak himself or herself in moral superiority. According to the aphorists of old, nobody ever got healthy, wealthy and wise by staying up late and rising after the milk had arrived. Society accommodates itself to this supposed norm. Offices crank up in the morning and wind down in late afternoon. Schools do the same.
To question this principle is, apparently, to invite immorality and sloth to spread about the land. Grass will work its way through cracks in unoccupied parliament buildings. Crocodiles will prowl hitherto cosy suburbs. You’ve seen Mad Max II. Is that what you want for society? No? Well get out of bed and do some work then.
This writer has, when offices allowed, always kept to the same schedule enjoyed by Proust, Churchill, Hitler and Cowell. As a confirmed misanthrope, I greatly enjoy being awake when most other people are peacefully asleep and out of the way. On those occasions when early mornings must be endured, they attack the system like a relentless virus."

'via Blog this'

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