
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Seal-ed but not delivered: EU- denied Arctic Observer status because of environmental protection

Arctic Council Grants Observer Status to Six Countries - "Canada rejected the European Union's application for observer status due to a long-running dispute over seal hunting and a ban by Brussels's of seal products, such as hide.

"This issue is very near and dear to a lot of Inuit," said Leona Aglukkaq, minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency. Ms. Aglukkaq, who was raised in the Arctic, said Canada will resist the EU's bid until "a satisfactory agreement" has been reached.

Catherine Ashton, EU foreign-policy chief, and Maria Damanaki, its fisheries commissioner, said in a joint statement that the EU will work "expeditiously" with Canadian authorities "to address the outstanding issue of their concern."

China, which has taken its thirst for resources to feed its economic expansion to the far corners of the globe, in April signed a free-trade deal with Iceland and has also invested in Greenland."

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