
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Monster- sized suit: Children, Caffeine, and California

San Francisco city attorney sues Monster Beverage - Business - The Boston Globe: " San Francisco’s city attorney is suing Monster Beverage for marketing its energy drinks to children, saying the products pose severe health risks.

City Attorney Dennis Herrera said Monday that Monster is the ‘‘industry’s worst ­offender’’ in the extent to which it targets youth and children.

Last week, Monster sued Herrera over his demands that the company reduce caffeine levels in its drinks and stop marketing to minors.

‘‘Our lawsuit is not a reaction to their lawsuit,’’ Herrera said. ‘‘We were proceeding on this path in the event that we would be unable to come to a resolution.’’

The suits reflect a breakdown in talks that started in October, when Herrera’s office began investigating energy drinks. The industry had been enjoying enormous growth before coming under growing scrutiny in the past year or so."

'via Blog this'

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