
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Creationists- who created nothing but destroyed students' careers

Louisiana counts the cost of teaching creationism – in reputation and dollars | Zack Kopplin | Comment is free | "Claude Bouchard, a former executive director of the Pennington Research Center, told me that because of the Louisiana Science Education Act:

"[Students] will continue to believe that the laws of chemistry, physics and biology are optional when addressing the big issues of our time. Unfortunately, this is also not without economic consequences.

"If you are an employer in a high-tech industry, in the biotechnology sector or in a business that depends heavily on science, would you prefer to hire a graduate from a state where the legislature has in a sense declared that the laws of chemistry, physics or biology can be suspended at times or someone from a state with a rigorous science curriculum for its sons and daughters?"

Peter Kulakowsky, a biotech entrepreneur in Louisiana, recently published a letter in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, saying that:

"As the director of a biological laboratory in Louisiana, I need enlightened staff. Distracting the state's students in their formative training [through the Louisiana Science Education Act] only cripples them.""

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