
Monday, November 19, 2012

Akshardham temple using solar technology for cooking its daily quota of 4,000 meals a day - The Economic Times

Akshardham temple using solar technology for cooking its daily quota of 4,000 meals a day - The Economic Times: "NEW DELHI: The Akshardham temple in the capital has switched from piped natural gas to solar technology for cooking its daily quota of close to 4,000 meals every day.

The solar concentrator, named ARUN®100, produces steam which powers the cooking process. "It works on the principle of a parabola. It uses an ingenious, two-dimensional, fresnelized mirror arrangement scheme to get the parabola effect. The system automatically tracks the sun from rise to set on both the east-west and north-south axes with an accuracy of more than 99.5% intercepting maximum sunlight," Abhishek Bhatewara, director of the company which set up the project, said"

'via Blog this'

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