
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Nothing but Net - the Flix keep on coming, at all hours

Netflix monthly vid streaming tops 1 billion hours - Technology & science - Wireless - " Netflix subscribers watched more than 1 billion hours of online video last month as the advent of high-speed Internet connections and high-powered mobile devices change people's viewing habits.
The milestone announced Tuesday by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings came a day after Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney issued an upbeat report about the company's future.
The rising usage of Netflix's Internet video service may turn out to be a mixed blessing as the company phases out its DVD-by-mail rental service to focus on its goal of building a lucrative franchise in Internet-streamed video.
Netflix is trying to wean people off DVDs to save on mailing costs and reduce its investment on a format that it expects to become obsolete. Delivering Internet video is quicker and less expensive than discs, but the streaming selection isn't as extensive as what's available on DVDs. To compensate, Netflix has been spending tens of millions of dollars during the past two years to add more compelling titles."

'via Blog this'

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