
Monday, June 04, 2012

Tweeting Queen's English to Death

World News - It's official: Twitter kills the Queen's English: "British reports blamed the speed of modern communications.
The Guardian concluded that the society had "finally conceded it cannot survive in the era of textspeak and Twitter." The Daily Mail also blamed Twitter, but it added "contracted spellings and Americanisms" to the list of culprits.
In fact, the Queen's English Society has ruffled many feathers over the years with its Olympian pronouncements on the proper way to speak and write. It has particularly annoyed educators, whom it blames for fostering "permissive" approaches to teaching English, whether it is because they "are not able to correct poor English" or "do not have the time to do so."
Such attacks attract opposition, which is exemplified by the existence of Anti-Queen's English Society, a group founded by English academics to counter claims that "English-which-isn't-the-Queen's is culturally and intellectually lower." As its name implies, the A-QES opposes everything the Queen's English Society stands for, calling its members "archaic perpetuators of linguistic prejudice" and dismissing its research as "laughable.""

'via Blog this'

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