
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When expecting "reason" is unreasonable...

Protesters stream past millionaires' NYC homes - US news - Life - "Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement and other groups walked up the sidewalks of Manhattan's East Side, along world-famous streets like Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue that are lined with swank apartment towers.
They paused outside buildings where they said media mogul Rupert Murdoch, banker Jamie Dimon and oil tycoon David Koch had homes and expressed concern about how much less the wealthy will pay — and who would be harmed because of those lowered tax revenues — when New York's 2 percent "millionaires' tax" expires in December.
"I have nothing against these people personally; I just think they should pay their fair share of taxes," said Michael Pollack, 52, an office worker in a law firm."

'via Blog this'

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