
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Occupy Wall Street- Expectations becoming reality

In a Sunday, July 26, 2009 piece titled "Stupid and Meek- Recipe for Exploitation" this blog's author had written that "When one in five or adults has no health insurance, the real unemployment rate is more than 15%, and firms make massive payments to executives on the back of taxpayer bail-outs and there is no protest on the streets, it is perhaps fair to condemn the taxpayers. It is when the majority don't show up for work and instead clog the streets that education for the executives, ethics education, that is, will begin."

It has taken a little more than two years since that piece, but finally the expectation outlined in the above article has begun to be realized. The education of the 1% will take a long time, but it has started. One piece of evidence- the bankers are now claiming that they are "sympathetic." While the people who are starving or suffering in other ways laugh sardonically at these "sympathies" the process has begun. There may be a lot of blood, sweat and tears to be shed by the 99% before the "executive education" sinks in.

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