
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Going beyond the labels...protesting the grotesque concentration of wealth and power

Wall Street rallies could be left’s Tea Party - politics - More politics - "“I think this is a classic progressive, independent grassroots movement that will both build its own independent force, its own agenda and moral voice. And then you'll see that try to find expression and accrue champions of that in the electoral arena,” said Robert Borosage, a co-director of the organization.
There are more politically-oriented rallies planned, as well.
The “Occupy D.C.” rally that started this week in downtown Washington's K Street corridor, the home to a number of the nation's top lobbying firms. A separate rally, "October 2011," is scheduled for Thursday in D.C., to protest corporate influence on politics, and U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan.
Even the supporters of a new liberal movement acknowledge, though, the potential for the new crusade to fizzle out.
“I think the biggest impediment is ourselves,” Lasn said, acknowledging that it could be easy for activists to become discouraged without any tangible signs of results."

'via Blog this'

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