
Friday, August 26, 2011

Not Right Ho...

New files suggest greater link between Wodehouse and Nazis - News, People - The Independent: "PG Wodehouse made a series of radio broadcasts from Germany in 1941 that caused uproar in Britain, forcing the author to express his "horror " after stumbling into propagandist interviews that lead to accusations he was a Nazi sympathiser.

Now, new material released from the National Archives at Kew reveal Wodehouse, the humourist best known as the creator of the Jeeves stories, may have been less innocent than he maintained.

According to the files, British intelligence had "serious doubts" about Wodehouse's explanation for the broadcasts. The interviews caused outrage in Parliament and the British press. In response, Wodehouse denounced the broadcasts as a "hideous mistake".

However, the files reveal that Wodehouse knew the German propagandist, Werner Plack, who arranged the broadcasts, more intimately than he admitted. He referred to Plack as "a friend" in a private letter, and had met him at parties in Hollywood, where Plack had previously worked as a film extra."

'via Blog this'

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