
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Accidents worth waiting for

Alys Fowler: Tree spinach | Life and style | The Guardian: "The best planting combos are almost always accidents and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise: those happy self-seeders that make it all look so effortless or the plant you forgot that makes a stunning pairing.

Thus one of the most pleasing corners in my garden has bronze fennel, the neon-pink of Gladiolus communis subsp. byzantinus, flowering sprouts (a cross between a brussels sprout and kale) and tree spinach, Chenopodium giganteum 'Magenta Spreen'. I had very little hand in the tree spinach, other than I wafted past the very ripe seedheads last autumn and some seed fell off. This year I have a truly winning combination.

The flowering sprouts have a blue-green leaf and a dusky purple midrib and veins. The tree spinach is a brilliant bright green with each new set of leaves blushed a shocking magenta. Eventually the tree spinach will reach 1m or more, but right now it is a crowded understorey around the flowering sprouts, with gladioli waving about above."

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