Hi Dr. Gopal,
Thanks SO much for all you've done for Jason. I know he's really enjoyed having you as his advisor.
Hope to see you at graduation!
Take care,
Hi professor!
Soooo good to hear back from you! Glad to hear that teaching is going well and WOW, Ireland?! That's so great Professor! I'm jealous! Haha. That will be so much fun. I hope you have an amazing trip.
I'm doing very well. Currently going to school in Rockford at Tricoci University of Beauty Culture, studying to be a cosmetologist. I started in September and am finished in July. I'm not quite sure what I will be doing after, but I had a meeting with someone from coorporate yesterday, and we hit it off very well. She actually asked for my contact information because she wanted to tell some different salons in the Chicago area, about me. I was so flattered. She said she has many connections in the city and would love to help me find a nice salon that I would enjoy apprenticing at! How exciting! I can't believe that within the next year I will be doing my career and growing up! Seems like a dream. Tell Christine I miss her and I hope all is going well! ...TL
I am planning on coming to visit some friends at Elmhurst before the end of the year is wrapped up. I will have to let you know when! It should be within the next few weeks!TL
I think you might be excited to hear some of my plans for the future, and might be able to help me decide if its the right choice...LM
As much as I would love to go back overseas again, and continually hope to improve my french speaking skills for it's possible use in my career one day, I'm wondering if you have any advice? I know you have a lot of experience and I value your opinion!...AM
It's been awfully quiet on your front lately and I wanted to see how things are going! What's new?...LM
As always thank you for your strong support of the CPE. ...HC
Good Afternoon Dr. Gopal!
I was just going through some old emails and thought of you! I hope everything at Elmhurst is going well for you and just wanted to send a quick hello!!
Thanks so much for the information on travel and the caste system. Very helpful! I am looking forward to learning more about the country of India and hopefully going abroad there!...TS
Thank you Dr Gopal. I am very proud of my achievements as well. Thank you for all your help along the way!...KD
Thanks for meeting with me on Monday to make my plan for the final semester at Elmhurst College, I really can't believe I'm already at the end of the road...LZ
I have completed my essay for the NEIS competition... I appreciate the opportunity, it means a lot to me...JZ
I just wanted to give you a quick update. I was just switched to a different role delivery consulting – my title is now “analyst.” I started a new training class this week, and I find out tomorrow which specific product I will be supporting. ...TS
I hope that you are comfortable with me including you as a reference, and I thank you so much for all of your help in the last few years! Thank you very much for your support. I can't tell you how much it means to me during this frustrating season.
Hi Prof. Gopal,
Just thought I'd send a quick hello and see how you are doing with classes and everything? Zach and I were actually just talking about when we all will meet up again, like last year.
It is getting down to the wire at work, so it is very busy! It has been very hectic between work and my personal life. I have been going to a lot of doctor's lately-paying your own medical bills isn't fun! :) Luckily, due to a recent change in my relationship, I have more free time to do what I want and to study for the CPA exam. How things change once you are in the real world! Haha.
Are your classes going well? When do you leave for Ireland to teach? Hopefully your students are treating you well and that you have a new pack of students to be under your wing...MF
Professor Gopal,I though I would say hello and stay in touch. Thanks again for the dinner over the summer. Law school continues to keep me in the library but the subject matter this year is very interesting. My business background has come in handy this semester. If you ever have any students interested in the possibility of law or if you ever have questions about law school feel free to email me or have them email me....BL
A great perspective on collaborative research to hear about. I am glad that Taylor is staying involved.
Thank you for the update. Not sure what more I could have done beyond earning a near perfect GPA (perfect in-major) and be named a 1st Team Academic All-American. I appreciate your thoughts about me. Thanks again for all your help along the way!..KD
Professor Gopal, That is great news! Congratulations! I am very happy for you (and pretty jealous as well)...
Congratulations! U just don't quit! Love it - And FYI I've been offered to be in charge of imports for my company :)))
Thanks for answering all my many curiosities as a student!
Fabulous! This is such exciting news. I have copied Desiree Chen on this email so that we can publicize this as she sees fit. Whenever would be the right moment, please give Desiree a quick sense of what you will be doing on the Fulbright. I would be happy to meet about logistics; perhaps the meeting should include Gary, you, and me. Congratulations! Alzada
Dear Gurram:
This is very good news indeed. I trust you will let me know when the award is made. You continue to make the College proud by this achievement, as in so many other ways.
I am preparing for tests, and honestly, yours is the one I find a little challenging. Jason
I'm enrolled in an elective course that is non-engaging, overwhelming (instead of challenging and beneficial), and unclear. Myself, and several other great students are dissatisfied, enraged, disappointed, and feel like we don't know what to do. We do not want our grades to suffer due to Elmhurst's lack of hiring an adequate professors (you know all the clowns that exist, haha). I was hoping we could meet to discuss this and maybe you had some advice on how to deal with this unfortunate situation. Let me know if this is feasible and if so, what time we could meet this week. The sooner the better would be great! Hope all is going well this semester!
I wanted to hear your advice on a question I had. I interviewed with Gallagher Benefit Services ( a subsidiary of Arthur J Gallagher) this past week. If i do get the job, do you think it would be better for me to take the job and not go to DC or the other way around?
Funny, kind of. Thank you for that. I was really trying to not be that person. But, spellcheck didn't catch that. I ran it.
I did mean assess. So if you could change that, that would be good!..LM
Just emailing you when I got a moment today to see how things are going. Have your Spring classes started? Which ones are you teaching this semester? Hope all is well and maybe sometime after tax season we will catch up!..MF
My resume is attached. Thanks for the nomination, it means a lot to me...JZ
I have been meaning to e-mail you and give you an update on things as well as thank you. During our advising appointment in the fall you encouraged me to apply the the National Councils on Undergraduate Research that is occurring this spring. I was unsure as to whether I was ready to present anything major yet (my political science senior thesis) and I wasn't very confident that I would be accepted if I did apply. However, you gave me the confidence to apply and fortunately I was accepted! I will be attending and presenting at the conference and though I am nervous, I know that it will be a wonderful experience and hopefully better prepare me for the future. So I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the push I needed...CB
Hi Dr. Gopal, I just received this email and I would be HONORED to have you fill out one of the recommendation forms attached to the nomination packet. Let me know if this is possible. Hope you're doing well!!
I know you are busy with classes, but I thought I'd try to catch you in J-Term. I know I've only taken you for one class, but I feel like if any professor knows me outside even just in friendly passing conversations it's you. I am now hunting for jobs and I didn't know if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me. Thanks for considering...JR
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