
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Student named NEIS finalist

Elmhurst College Student a Finalist in National Economics Contest — Elmhurst news, photos and events — "Josh Zuke, a senior business administration major at Elmhurst College, is one of only twelve students from across the country to have been named a finalist in the prestigious 2011 National Economics Insider student essay contest.
As a finalist, Zuke has won a trip to the National Economics Insider Symposium (NEIS) next month in Washington, D.C., where he will pitch his ideas to a panel of America’s top economists, and will meet such key decision-makers as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The winner of the contest will be announced at the symposium....

Zuke’s nominating instructor, Gurram Gopal, associate professor in the College’s Center for Business and Economics, will accompany Zuke to the symposium. As Zuke’s adviser and teacher, Gopal encouraged Zuke to enter the contest.
“I am delighted that he has been selected as one of the finalists in this national contest while competing with students from bigger and more well-known schools,” Gopal said.

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