
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Parsons and Cheney- Biggest cowards in the world

Yet another story of an American with too much time on his hands and not having much to do, showing his cowardice by shooting an animal. If these "hunters" have any guts, they would try to hunt the animals without weapons, the way the animals defend themselves.

GoDaddy’s Bob Parsons OK With Causing A Media Stampede (Again) | Epicenter | "“Big Daddy” Bob Parsons of the web hosting company GoDaddy is in the news again, and boy, is he kicking up a storm.
No, it’s not because he’s recruited another sexy (Go) Daddy Girl for an advertising campaign or because one of his new provocative commercials was voted ‘most-watched’ in the Super Bowl. It’s because he shot a male elephant in Zimbabwe — and posted the explicit video online for the world to see."

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