
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Styrofoam Stymied

Something to be proud of! But yet another "progressive" event where young girls are taking the lead; the boys are not to be found.

Girls just say ‘No’ to Styrofoam trays — Elmhurst news, photos and events — "Two 5th-graders from Elmhurst have carried those crumbly, white disposable foam trays for their lunches long enough. Now, they are taking matters into their own hands to try to rid their school of the trays that are tossed into the garbage and end up clogging landfills.

Jessica Hain and Samantha Barton, both 11, recently started a petition drive to get Emerson School to stop using Styrofoam trays in the cafeteria. They have become more aware of the impact some products have on the environment through various efforts at the school including Waste Free Wednesdays when students are encouraged to bring their lunches in lunch boxes and use metal utensils and cloth napkins."

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