
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

What's a fair share?

Life Inc. - Some millionaires say, 'Tax me, please!': "A new group called Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength has released a list of hundreds of high earners who say they want to see tax cuts for the wealthy expire as scheduled Dec. 31.
'My view is that in hard times it is important for Americans to come together and unite over the idea that medical care ought to be a basic right of citizenship,' said Eric Schoenberg, identified as a 'private investor' who also teaches at Columbia Business School. 'It’s only fair for those of us who have benefited the most from this system to contribute the most.”
Of course it is not completely unheard-of for certain progressively minded millionaires to favor higher taxes. Bill Gates Sr., the father of the Microsoft Corp. founder and chairman, long has championed higher estate taxes. This year he also backed a failed effort to impose a state income tax on high earners in Washington State."

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