
Sunday, December 26, 2010

No liberal sprinkling of liberal education

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Let a thousand heretics bloom: "Liberal education is a sustained and controlled matter, where practicality is directly related to searching analyses and the fecundity of thought processes. Sadly, the flag-bearers of a new India have no clue about such a pedigree of liberalism.

You can construct a cutting-edge archaeological demolition of the latest Ramjanmabhumi controversy in a radical leftist blog. You can be an acknowledged scholar in Renaissance Humanism and orate in the classroom on the complexities of non-articulated communication. But since Prudence is the new name of the game in racing to (re)build India Shining, you can wear at least two hats. You can, when the suavely smiling Human Resource Development Minister lays out his blueprint for New India — toward which you are lured by the possibility of a role in its fashioning — graciously convince yourself and others that maturity means taking cognisance of an age that “demands an image of its accelerated grimace.” And so you can pull caution and far-sight out of your front pocket, while you keep your conscience appeased by nursing your intellectual and political predilections in your hip one."

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