
Friday, November 26, 2010

A "Democracy" that is above the people

Apparently the U.S. administration and other governments are worried about an impending WikiLeaks data release. A democratic government should be answerable to the people. If the officials say and do things that they are afraid of admitting in public, then they are not serving the interests of the populace. It is time the leaders realized that these 'secret' operations, interrogations, and negotiations compromise the safety and security of nations.

WikiLeaks Release: US Briefs Allies About Upcoming Revelations: "The Obama administration said earlier this week that it had alerted Congress and begun notifying foreign governments that the whistle-blowing website is preparing to release a huge cache of diplomatic cables whose publication could give a behind-the-scenes look at American diplomacy around the world.

'These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests,' U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. 'They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world.'

Diplomatic cables are internal documents that would include a range of secret communications between U.S. diplomatic outposts and State Department headquarters in Washington.

WikiLeaks has said the release will be seven times the size of its October leak of 400,000 Iraq war documents, already the biggest leak in U.S. intelligence history."

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