
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Selling a College

Colleges get edgier to stand out in marketing campaigns _ but will it get a failing grade? - "Fifteen years ago, the term 'branding' was virtually unheard of in higher education. The idea of selling college like a luxury vehicle or an expensive cup of coffee was viewed as antithetical to the academic mission.

Although pockets of resistance remain, it'd be difficult these days to find a four-year school that hasn't gone through the institutional soul-searching and subsequent marketing blitz that typically goes with being a 'Brand U.'

The new challenge may be this, as Drake has learned: When everyone is trying to stand out, colleges can no longer expect to meet enrollment targets by playing it safe. And pushing the marketing envelope carries risks and rewards.

'Historically, folks really have taken a fairly conservative approach,' said Robert Moore, president and CEO of Chicago- and Washington-based marketing firm Lipman Hearne and author of a book on higher education branding. 'We are seeing a bit more out-of-the-box stuff, and I think the jury is still out.'"

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