
Monday, August 30, 2010

Job Seekers need to turn into Lobbyists

Plenty of money is being lobbed at the government and the legislature by firms of all sizes and industries. Time Warner, Disney, etc. lobby legislators, and legislators provide ad money (directly or indirectly) to TW, Disney, and others. Nice arrangement.

Disney spent $780,000 lobbying in 2Q - Yahoo! Finance: "Disney spent $780,000 lobbying in 2nd quarter on retransmission fee rules, broadband plan"

Time Warner Cable spent $1.44 mln lobbying in 2Q - Yahoo! Finance: "Time Warner Cable spent $1.44 million lobbying in 2nd qtr on targeted online ads, other issues"

Honeywell spent $1.7 million on 2Q lobbying

Defense contractor Lockheed Martin spent $3.2 million on second-quarter government lobbying

Lockheed Martin spent $3.2M on 2Q lobbying

American Express spends $630K in 2Q to lobby government on credit reform, financial overhaul

American Express spent $630,000 on lobbying in 2Q

MasterCard spends $2.33 million lobbying government about card issues in financial overhaul

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