
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Republican 'Right' way of health care - jacking up Rx prices

Ahead of the health care bill the drug companies are giving us the usual dose- of high price increases. The worst part of the explanation is the claim that the money goes towards R&D. Since the Republicans did not support the Health care bill, they can put the "blame" for the price increases on Obama, just like shifting the blame for everything else to the President.

Drug Prices Rose 9.1% Last Year - "Drug companies sharply raised prices last year, ahead of increased rebates they must pay to Medicaid and other expenses tied to the federal health overhaul passed last month.

Prices for brand-name pharmaceuticals rose 9.1% last year, the biggest increase in at least a decade, according to pharmacy-benefit manager Express Scripts Inc., which included the recent number in its annual drug-trend report. The boost for specialty drugs, a category that is largely biotech products, was even sharper: 11.5%. In 2008, the price rise had been 7.4% for traditional pharmaceuticals, and 9.4% for specialty drugs."

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