
Thursday, February 04, 2010

Selling...a (fictitious) Narrative

The Murdoch/Ailes Fox Network provides a good case study in Strategy...
Clearly it has "outsold" its competitors in "selling" a narrative.
But whether the public should be sold a "narrative" of "news" is a question that Fox does not ask.

Stewart tells O'Reilly he's voice of sanity on Fox - Yahoo! Finance: "Fox 'is the most passionate and sells the clearest narrative of all the news networks, if ... you're still referring to it in that manner,' Stewart said.

O'Reilly pointed out that Fox is like a newspaper with news and opinion pages, an idea Stewart poked fun at.

'Fox in and of itself doesn't say you're a news network all day,' he said. 'What is it, you're news from 9 to 11, then you're opinion, then you're news again from 1 to 2:30 except for the Jewish holidays? And then on alternate parking days you're news, but Christmas, you're not?'"

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