
Monday, February 08, 2010

Money for nothing...and Recovery for Free...

Get your money for nothing, get your chicks for free
Money for nothing, chicks for free
Look at that, look at that
Get your money for nothing, get your chicks for free (I want my, I want my, I want my M.T.V.)
Money for nothing and chicks for free
Easy, easy

That ain't working
..................Dire Straits, Money for Nothing, from Brothers in Arms

The Bankers are apparently unhappy with President Obama's plans for Wall Street and his rhetoric. So they are happily ignoring the enormous assistance the government has provided to them, and are air-freighting money to the Republicans who want to knock off all taxes.
And the expectation is that the "recovery" is around the Wodehousian language, 'Tchah!'

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. - "Just two years after Mr. Obama helped his party pull in record Wall Street contributions — $89 million from the securities and investment business, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics — some of his biggest supporters, like Mr. Dimon, have become the industry’s chief lobbyists against his regulatory agenda.

Republicans are rushing to capitalize on what they call Wall Street’s “buyer’s remorse” with the Democrats. And industry executives and lobbyists are warning Democrats that if Mr. Obama keeps attacking Wall Street “fat cats,” they may fight back by withholding their cash."

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