
Friday, December 25, 2009

What we eat...

An interesting article in the NYT, "Sorry, Vegans: Brussels Sprouts Like to Live, Too" generated many comments from readers. The writer makes a point that even vegans can "kill" and that plants are as living as other creatures.

She is absolutely right, but farmers and plant growers show a lot of sensitivity to the plants. We harvest potatoes only after the plant is at the end of its natural life cycle. We harvest tomatoes when they are ripe, but we do not kill the "whole plant." In fact we take the seeds and create more tomato plants. In order to propagate the species the plants have to distribute their seeds.
For us, it is the road to spiritual growth- the increase in sensitivity. Understanding that we are causing pain for a plant when we cut its leaves or fruits is a first step. On the other hand, we do plant diverse vegetables and increase their numbers.

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