
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rising from the depths....of the Sub-basement

Today I hosted a get-together with friends who studied with me during my PhD days at Northwestern. Our offices were in the dungeons of the infamous Tech Building of NU- specifically the sub-basement. A big chunk of our lives was spent in this sub-basement labyrinth. Glenn and Xi Ling and their daughter Vivien, Jim and Katrina, Mike and Doris, and Jeff came over for lunch today. Glenn, Mike, Jim and Jeff are the best friends anyone can have- every one of them is quirky, and I am as well. While we did not reminisce about our graduate school days, the bond clearly has survived the assault of time. Our close family friend Navjot joined us and gave us great company and cooking support. As always, the best part of the day was watching the kids- Vivien and my friends Nikki and Dylan and their friend Emily come over and enjoy themselves in the garden.

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