Teaching is a difficult yet rewarding profession. The teaching job, as in other professions, is often lonesome- especially when one is surrounded by coworkers who don't care. The rewards come unexpectedly and make the seemingly futile efforts worthwhile.
This afternoon I was in the middle of our seminar class when a student, AP, came by. She just happened to see me in class and had stopped. Incidentally she was in the same seminar class last year. I asked AP to come in and introduce herself. She did that, and then went on to say how that seminar had changed her life. She added that while it was hard and frustrating at times, it was a great learning experience. I had never expected AP to say that, because I remember her frustrations. It was a pleasant surprise.
After class I went to our Coffee Place and ordered an Iced Chai Latte. I chatted with the student who was making the chai, Monica, and found out that she was a music major. I mentioned a couple of my music students and she knew them. Then she mentioned the name of a student who had graduated a year ago, NK, who was also a musician. Apparently she and NK were really good friends. NK happened to be one of my favorite students of all time. According to Monica NK regarded me as one of her favorite professors. Coming from one of our best students that is high praise.
A double dose of praise- can be unhealthy even for a good teacher.
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