
Thursday, July 02, 2009

A "Progress"ive spirit

Today, while leaving the office premises, I ran into a security guard. We started talking about the hot weather. A friendly older gentleman, he talked to me about his job, which requires him to be outside in the brutal heat all day, and going from place to place checking on the vehicles that are parked and assisting people. Working in hot weather and on his feet. He had passed his Intermediate (high school) but never went to College. Now he is spending a lot of his money to send his children to College so that they can have a better life. He felt a lot of regret that he could not study and do bigger things, but felt good that his children can contribute more to the country than him. A remarkable story of sacrifice, unnoticed by many, but also performed by many millions of parents around the world. The interesting aspect was his notion of contribution to the country.

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