
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Changing the economics of search....

Twitter is the new Facebook or Google Search and every day there is a new article about how businesses are using it to promote their products and increase their revenues. Today's NYT adds to the list with another article on this topic. Titled "Mom-and-Pop Operators Turn to Social Media" this describes entrepreneurs and small business owners who are getting customers by tweeting about their products.

In the Twitter model, a Twitterer needs to have followers who are interested in reading the tweets. The marginal cost to post a Tweet is rather small, a few minutes of one's time. The question is - what does it cost a person to read all the tweets posted by X? What is the cost of damage to productivity if one is being buzzed by Tweets constantly? Since Tweets are visible only to followers, it misses all the other Twitterers who are not followers of a particular X.
Which leads to the basic question- is Twitter a low cost broadcast medium, with all the attendant limitations?

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