
Saturday, April 11, 2009

A HILL (Human Interaction Level List) to climb...

The levels at which a human deals with any issue, task, idea, etc. can be modeled after the various categories of brand recognition. My 9-level list runs as follows..

  1. Absolutely Hate it
  2. Mostly hate it
  3. Indifferent but may do it if I feel like it
  4. Indifferent but will do it if you like
  5. Mildly like to do it
  6. Like to do it
  7. Love to do it
  8. Passionate about it
  9. Evangelize about it
It is an interesting exercise to categorize one's interaction with a task/thought/idea/person along these lines.
Personally, most of my 'enjoyable' things, like running, music, movies, roses, and coffee, tend to fall into the 6-7 categories. Living a 'sustainable' life, social justice, and helping the ones who cannot help themselves, are examples of my 8-9 categories.

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