
Thursday, March 05, 2009

'FED" Royalty is Alive and Well... in the good old USA

When George Bush was the President, he used every means available to stamp everything 'Secret.' Now the blasted Federal Reserve Board seems to think that it does not have to answer to anyone, even while spending public money and piling on crippling debt on the taxpayers.
Bloomberg reports that "The Federal Reserve Board of Governors receives daily reports on bailout loans to financial institutions and won’t make the information public, the central bank said in a reply to a Bloomberg News lawsuit. The Fed refused yesterday to disclose the names of the borrowers and the loans, alleging that it would cast “a stigma” on recipients of more than $1.9 trillion of emergency credit from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral."
Bloomberg sued Nov. 7 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, requesting details about the terms of 11 Fed lending programs. The Bloomberg lawsuit said the collateral lists “are central to understanding and assessing the government’s response to the most cataclysmic financial crisis in America since the Great Depression.”

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