
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deficit of Ethics and Attitudes among Denizens (DEAD)---Need a jolt to Ethics, not to the Economy

CNBC right now has a bunch of people arguing about Obama's 'stimulus' package. Some crooks are arguing that this bill just runs up debt without any benefits, while others say that this will jolt a nearly dead economy.
The problem is this....Chuck Prince of Citi, Mack of MS, Thain, Raines, and a whole lot more folks literally robbed the country and the tax payers of hundreds of millions of dollars while causing enormous damage...and not one of them is in jail. We have institutions like Stanford and Harvard resorting to drastic cost cutting measures despite having vast endowments. We have idiots who oppose the idea of providing health care to every citizen in the country or in the world.

We do have fiscal deficits, individual budget deficits, trade deficits, and other deficits...but the biggest and costliest is a Deficit of Ethics and Attitudes among Denizens (DEAD)

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