
Monday, December 08, 2008

Hoping Recycling Doesn't get "Junked"

A colleague of mine and I just finished a course on sustainability and watched young eager first year students adopt and adapt sustainability practices. These kids are the at the forefront of a new generation of socially conscious globally aware youth. I hope the current global economic distress, while it may dent, does not break the eco-spirit of the youth. The NYT, in an article titled "Back at Junk Value, Recyclables Are Piling Up" paints a bleak picture. It says "The economic downturn has decimated the market for recycled materials like cardboard, plastic, newspaper and metals. Across the country, this junk is accumulating by the ton in the yards and warehouses of recycling contractors, which are unable to find buyers or are unwilling to sell at rock-bottom prices.Ordinarily the material would be turned into products like car parts, book covers and boxes for electronics. But with the slump in the scrap market, a trickle is starting to head for landfills instead of a second life. “It’s awful,” said Briana Sternberg, education and outreach coordinator for Sedona Recycles, a nonprofit group in Arizona that recently stopped taking certain types of cardboard, like old cereal, rice and pasta boxes. There is no market for these, and the organization’s quarter-acre yard is already packed fence to fence.“Either it goes to landfill or it begins to cost us money,” Ms. Sternberg said. In West Virginia, an official of Kanawha County, which includes Charleston, the state capital, has called on residents to stockpile their own plastic and metals, which the county mostly stopped taking on Friday. In eastern Pennsylvania, the small town of Frackville recently suspended its recycling program when it became cheaper to dump than to recycle. In Montana, a recycler near Yellowstone National Park no longer takes anything but cardboard."

The cost of putting stuff in a landfill still exceeds the cost of recycling, but let's hope the junk-onomics doesn't get perverse.

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