
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bush - using the classic FUD

FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

George Bush has some clever people working for him while he himself does not display much intelligence.
Earlier this week, he and Hank Paulson kept repeating that they were considering an "orderly" bankruptcy for the auto industry. The idea being that Chapter 7 would essentially dismantle the companies, while an orderly process would keep these firms as going concerns. However, one effect of bankruptcy would be that the unions would lose their contracts and benefits, and possibly their shirts. After spreading this fear, Bush announced that he would give $13 billion right away to GM & Chrysler, with the promise of more if they come back with a "plan" and also reduce costs to that of the foreign automakers. Just a signal that the auto unions are going to be attacked, bankruptcy or not.

Bush, Obama, and others do not see the obvious issue- autos are capital assets, and the volume of automobiles that are going to be purchased in the future, per year, do not appear to support many auto manufacturers. Further, the U.S. makers do not have the product mix to support what customers want.
Everyone wants to play the Casino with someone else's money,

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