
Monday, November 03, 2008

Naperville in Red DuPage....Turning Blue, Slowly

Today was another gorgeous day in Chicago, with temperatures in the seventies. I went out to run this morning, and for the first time ever, took my cell phone with me on my run. This was not because I wanted to be 'connected' while running, but I wanted to take some pictures of the election-related signs dotting the landscape.
I live in a modest single family house in a somewhat upscale part of Naperville, a city that is often listed in the top 10 cities to live in the US of A. This is in DuPage county, which has a red tradition of voting Republican, no matter how unqualified the Republican candidates are.

While I did see a large number of McPalin signs, there were about 2 Obama/Biden signs for every 3 McPalin ones. This is quite decent for this place.
Pictures taken on my run...

The sheer 'excess' exemplified by this newly constructed house nearby...

Even in upscale Naperville, folks are having problems. One of the churches is offering...

A picture of my running path..

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