Jerome R Corsi is at it again. His latest book, 'The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality' has made it to the top of the NYT best seller list. The NYT article "Obama campaign issues rebuttal to book's claims" makes the following points:
"...In an interview with The Associated Press, Corsi defended raising the issue of drugs without any evidence.''I don't need more,'' he said. ''I'm putting this question forward. I'm putting the evidence forward. Voters can make up their own minds.''
In a series of Web posts several years ago, Corsi said Pope John Paul II was senile and unconcerned about sexual molestation of boys, referred to Islam is ''a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion'' and suggested Kerry was secretly Jewish.
Corsi apologized for the remarks and now says he didn't mean them and was simply trying to provoke discussion.
''Obama Nation'' is published by Threshold Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster that is run by Mary Matalin, the former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.
Corsi readily acknowledges the political goal of his book. He considers Obama a ''radical leftist'' who should not be elected president. Corsi said he has no plans to work against Obama with groups comparable to 2004's Swift Boat Veterans for Truth but said he would be willing to consider it."
This guy apparently has a Ph.D. from Harvard, the same school which awarded George Bush an MBA. In both these instances, education was divorced from the attainment of the degree. Both of them, like the Fox News hacks, do not take pride in their education, do not believe in doing thorough research, and thrive on making claims that appeal to the basest feelings of the citizenry...fear, hatred, suspicion, and bigotry,among others...(In Corsi's case, his book contents lead to this conclusion; in GWB's case, his publicly reported comments are the justification).
I just looked up and it lists Corsi's book as #2 on the best seller list overall, behind 'Breaking Dawn' and ahead of 'The Last Lecture.' It lists for $28 but is priced at $15.40, at a discount of 45%. Corsi's book got 164 five-star reviews and 260 one-star reviews, with an average 2 1/2 stars rating. The Last Lecture has a 4 1/2 stars rating.
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