
Saturday, August 02, 2008

The 'Casual Culture'

One of my undergraduate students is doing a research project this summer on changes in the workplace as the percent of women among graduating students has increased to nearly 65%. She and I interviewed an Executive Director of a not-for-profit community organization yesterday. asked this Executive Director about what struck her when she hired recent graduates. She promptly replied that the recent graduates are 'very casual' in their approach to everything- whether it be communications or dressing to work. She said that it is an adjustment for both her, her older employees and the new hires.

I have seen this trend in my students over the past five years, especially a decline in writing skills. However, I am cognizant that a reader's expectations may not translate into fixed standards for writers.

The WSJ also covered these changes in an article recently -

Thx for the IView! I Wud ♥ to Work 4 U!! ;) Young Job Candidates Find Too-Casual Tone of Textspeak Turns Off Hiring Managers

I remind my students that they should meet the expectations of the people who are going to hire and manage them. Over time they can infuse the culture with their ingredients.

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