
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guarded, hopefully not misplaced, Optimism

Mr. Clive Crook, a columnist for the Financial Times, recently wrote a nice article titled "America’s human capital is tested." As I am in the education business, I responded with a letter which the Financial Times graciously printed. In it I expressed guarded optimism based on my experience with recent trends in our undergraduates; however the graduate students give me extreme heartburn and make me seriously concerned. I received a few comments from readers which provided me with more data points.

Just today, I received an email from a freshman in which she sent me an article on word of mouth. She is doing an internship at a Marketing Consulting Firm. I would like my retirement money including social security to depend on motivated students like her, rather than on the 'smart guys' on Wall Street and in Washington DC.

1 comment:

teaparty said...

Dr. Gopal,
Do you think that graduate students' experience in the workplace contributes to their 'undermotivation'?
And that the promising undergrads of today will become the heartburn of 2013, after they have had the opportunity to 'gain valuable realworld experience"?